Making art will relieve your stress and help you feel grounded and spacious so you can deal with the rest of life.
Art MOVES the energy OUT of your body and onto the canvas or paper.
It's the one thing that will cause the world to melt away and bring you fully into the present moment.
After you watch the teacher's demo, you can turn away from the computer screen and get into the creative flow.
The reason we need an art class: accountability, guidance and inspiration for what to create.
But Zoom is only a small part of that :)
Our students tell us all the time how they never knew they could make art until they took class with us!
The difference is actually about willingness.
So instead of thinking, "I'm not artistic." Ask yourself, "Am I willing to learn something new and see what I'm capable of?..."
You don't need a lot of room or to be super serious about art.
You don't need expensive supplies to create awesome art.
It can be simple and easy if you want to make art at home.
We've got a helpful PDF guide you can download to explore 4 different easy ways to set up a "studio" in your own home!