How Art Predicts the Future
When I look back at art I made months or years ago, I can see that it was telling me what was going to happen.
I made the image below in June 2020 when we explored The Warrior Archetype in Mystery School.
It tells a story...
Top left is my Warrior, armor on, sword out.
Then she falls and breaks. She's wounded and vulnerable.
Then something catches her attention. A red spiral.
She realizes that the spiral is inside her and she starts to follow the thread...
4 months later, this all makes sense to me.
It's the story of me and my business. My art studio studio "broke" when Covid hit and my identity along with it.
I felt so wounded and lost. I grieved pretty hard for months.
Then I saw something new and interesting. A thread that I felt called to follow.
And that is the path I am on right now, my friends. Following the red spiral within me.
I made this drawing in 5 minutes or less...but it's come to have A LOT of significance.
And my art predicts the future all the time.
Has that ever happened to you?
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